
Monday, 7 November 2011

Wolseley tap into Six Bridges

Plumb centre have taken a 10 year lease with a break after 5 years at Unit C3 Six Bridges Trading Estate, London SE1. The unit was approximately 5,234 sq ft and was fully refurbished prior to marketing. The unit is just off the Old Kent Road and has good road links to the West End and City.

Also recently completed are two north London lettings:

Unit 8 Mowlem Trading Estate, London N17 let to RA Trading on a 3 year lease. This unit was approximately 7,433 sq ft. The last remaining unit on the estate was Unit 15 and this is now under offer. Again both units were refurbished by the landlord prior to marketing.

Units 7, 8 and 9 Crusader Industrial Estate, London, N4 were let as a combinedd unit, to Europride Ltd. The units had an extensive mezzanine across all three units and was let on a five year lease with a break after 3 years.

The last remaining unit on the Crusader Estate is also under offer.

If you require any further details on the above, please contact Paul Londra at dohertybaines.

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